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FleetPros Job Posting Policy

Looking for great, local employees? Develop your workforce with us! 

FleetPros members rate:  No Charge
Only current members in good standing are allowed to submit at this time.

Positions will be posted within 3 business days after submission. 

  • Postings must represent actual current job openings.
  • Positions will be retained online for a period of (30) days unless you inform the Business Manager that the position has been filled.
  • The information you submit for the job posting will be entered as submitted unless the Business Manager identifies an error. The FleetPros Job Board is for Fleet positions only as determined by the Business Manager.  FleetPros reserves the right to refuse or cancel any posting.
  • It is preferred that the employer should always be identified. Position posting confidentiality cannot always be maintained. All information regarding a job posting is subject to verification.
  • Any misrepresentation of a position posted and/or the employer will result in immediate removal of the posting and will disqualify the individual/employer from further participation in the posting service.
 Please direct any questions to:

FleetPros Business Manager
Phone: (800) 667-6362

FleetPros Job Board
Position Information

Web URL for online application and/or other information you wish to provide.

Contact Information

Please list the person that can be contacted for questions regarding the position.  Those fields required will be posted online in the position posting. 

Submitter Information

Please list the person responsible for the job posting submission in case of questions.  This information will not be published.

Position submissions for posting is only available to FleetPros members in good standing.  The person submitting the posting must be an employee of a FleetPros member.

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1281 E Magnolia Street
Unit D #209
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: (800) 667-6362
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